Project WILD

Project WILD, Project Aquatic, Science and Civics and Growing Up WILD are national award-winning conservation and environmental education curricula emphasizing wildlife. It was developed by the Council for Environmental Education in Houston, Texas. The curricula are designed for educators (both formal and non-formal) of pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade and sponsored by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

dnr-project-wildInterdisciplinary: Project WILD activities are interdisciplinary and designed to enrich subjects, concepts and skills already taught in classrooms, summer camps, after-school programs, youth organizations and at home.

Teacher Friendly: Activity guides were designed and tested by teachers. Each activity includes objectives, methods, background information, step-by-step directions, discussion ideas and potential extensions for further learning. Our online activity search, which searches by activity titles and associated state content standards, can assist with lesson planning.

Great for Schools & Communities: Project WILD lessons can easily be tailored to meet local and individual needs. Our workshops rely on community participation and incorporate local knowledge relating to wildlife.

Active Learning/State Standards: You’ll find hundreds of activities in the guides to help incorporate wildlife-related concepts into classroom learning. Each activity is correlated to Alaska’s State Content Standards and designed to teach one or more of the following concepts:

  • habitat and ecological systems
  • wildlife conservation
  • cultural and social interaction with wildlife
  • environmental issues and trends
  • alternatives and consequences
  • ecological systems
  • responsible human actions
  • awareness and appreciation of wildlife
  • human values and the wildlife resource

* Some materials are also available in Spanish.

Affordable and Flexible: Workshops vary in length and according to need. Costs are minimal and many workshops offer a continuing education credit for educators. Find out about a workshop near you on our workshops page.

Project Wild has a National Project Wild website.

For more information, or to schedule a workshop in your community, contact:

Brenda Duty, Project WILD Coordinator
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Division of Wildlife Conservation
333 Raspberry Road
Anchorage, AK 99518-1599
Telephone: (907) 267-2216
Email: Brenda Duty (

You can also look for upcoming workshops on our workshop calendar or sign up for our list-serv to have workshop information delivered to your e-mail.
