Salmon in the Classroom
Affiliated Organization: Copper River Watershed Project
Affiliated Organization Contact
- Copper River Watershed Project
P.O. Box 1560, Cordova
Cordova, Alaska 99574 -
- (907) 424-3334
- (907) 424-4318
Program Contact
- Kate Morse
- (907) 424-3334
Program Type
- Activity Guide
- Calendar
- Classroom Visits
- Curriculum-based Programs
- Demonstrations
- Environmental Monitoring
- Field Trip
- How to Manual
- Internet Activity
- Interpretation
- Lesson Plan/Activities
- Map
- Poster Brochure
- Presentation
- Residential and/or Camp
- Resource Guide/Catalogue
- Service-Learning
- Supplemental Curriculum
- Traveling Trunks
ÊEach winter, the tank is set up using eyed coho eggs delivered by float plan from the Wally Noerenberg Hatchery on Esther Island in Prince William Sound. Each month one of the 4-6th grade classes monitors the tank, collecting daily water temperature readings and tracking development of the eggs. Once the eggs hatch and the alevins develop into fry, staff from CRWP and the PWS Science Center teach the students how to feed the fry and help with regular water exchanges to keep the salmon healthy. At the conclusion of the school year, the 5th grade class releases the salmon at Fleming Spit.
- Alaska Ecology
- Archeology
- Arts
- Biology
- Climate Change
- Employability
- English/Language Arts
- Environmental Education
- Forest Service
- Geography
- Geology
- Health
- History
- Invasive Species
- Math
- Paleontology
- Recycling
- Social Studies
- Sustainability
- Technology
- Wilderness
- Wildlife
- Wildlife Safety
- World Languages
- K-12
- Elementary
- Junior High/Middle School
- High School
- Kindergarten
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- Teachers/Educators
- Adults
- Public
- Southcentral
- Southeast
- Southwest
- Interior
- Arctic Slope
- Indoor
- Outdoor
- Both
Duration of Program
- Less than 2 hours
- 2 hours to a day
- 2 to 7 days
- More than a week
- More than a month
Pay to Participate
- Yes
- No