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Tinker Trees

Tinker Trees
Grade Level: 6-8
NGSS: MS-PS3-3 / MS-ESS3-2 / MS-LS2-5 / MS-ETS1-2
Learning Objectives: Students can design a model tree that can keep a surface fire from spreading into the crown.
Students can differentiate between forest stands based on the spatial arrangement of fuels.
Students can describe the kinds of fuels that contribute to surface fires and crown fires.
Ladder Fuels and Fire Spread: The Tinker Tree Derby (see Fireworks Rocky Mountain Lesson – M06)
Fire Triangle In the Wildlands (Matchstick Forest)

How Do Wildland Fires Spread : The Matchstick Model
Grade Level: 6-12
NGSS: MS-PS3-3 / MS-LS2-4 / MS-ESS3-2
HS-LS2-6 / HS-ESS2-2
Learning Objectives: Students plan experiments and make observations to investigate the effect of one variable at a time on fire spread.
Students use the Fire Triangle to explain how slope and density of trees (or other standing fuels) affect fire spread.
How Do Wildland Fires Spread: The Matchstick Model (see Fireworks Rocky Mountain Lesson M05)
Ready To Go Fire Activities
The True Story of Smokey the Bear – a reading video
Smokey Bear Song – video
The Lorax – a reading video
Fires Are Not All Bad
Making Our Homes Safe From Wildfire
Fuels Mitigation
How & Whys of Alaska Wildfires
Resources Used in Fighting Wildfires
Tundra Fires in Alaska
Boreal Forest Crossword

A Key to New Pamishan
1. a. The creature has a large wide head…………go to 2
b. The creature has a small narrow head…………go to 11
2. a . It has 3 eyes…………goto3
b . It has 2 eyes…………go to 7
3. a. There is a star in the middle of its chest…………go to 4
b. There is no star in the middle of its chest …………go to 6
4. a. The creature has hair spikes…………Broadus hairus
b. The creature has no hair spikes…………go to 5
5. a. The bottom of the creature is arch‐shaped…………Broadus archus
b. The bottom of the creature is M‐shaped …………Broadus emmus
6. a. The creature has an arch‐shaped bottom…………Broadus plainus
b. The creature has an M‐shaped bottom…………Broadus tritops
7. a. The creature has hairy spikes…………go to 8
b. The creature has no spikes…………go to 10
8. a. There is a star in the middle of its body…………Broadus hairystarus
b. There is no star in the middle of its body …………go to 9
9. a. The creature has an arch-shaped bottom…………Broadus hairyemmus
b. The creature has an M-shaped bottom …………Broadus kiferus
10. a. The body is symmetrical …………Broadus walter
b. The body is not symmetrical…………Broadus anderson
11. a. The creature has no antennae …………go to 12
b. The creature has antennae …………go to 14
12. a. There are spikes on the face ………….Narrowus wolfus
b. There are no spikes on the face …………go to 13
13. a. The creature has no spikes anywhere …………Narrowus blankus
b. There are spikes on the right leg …………Narrowus starboardus
14. a. The creature has 2 eyes…………go to 15
b. The creature has 1 eye…………Narrowus cyclops
15. a. The creature has a mouth…………go to 16
b. The creature has no mouth…………go to 17
16. a. There are spikes on the left leg …………Narrowus portus
b. There are no spikes at all …………Narrowus plainus
17. a. The creature has spikes …………go to 18
b. The creature has no spikes …………Narrowus georginia
18. a. There are spikes on the head …………go to 19
b. There are spikes on the right leg…………Narrowus montanian
19. a. There are spikes covering the face …………Narrowus beardus
b. There are spikes only on the outside edge of head ……..Narrowus fuzzus
- Narrowus portus
- Broadus arches
- Narrowus plainus
- Broadus hairykiferus
- Broadus hairus
- Broadus anderson
- Narrowus mountanian
- Narrowus georginian
- Narrowus blankus
- Broadus emmus
- Narrowus cyclops
- Broadus hairystarus
- Narrowus beardus
- Broadus walter
- Broadus plainus
- Broadus hairyemmus
- Narrowus starboardus
- Broadus tritops
- Narrowus wolfus
- Narrowus fuzzus