Outdoor and Environmental Education Resources
What better place to teach a child than the outdoors! We’ve compiled a list of numerous activities and learning opportunities to help teachers immerse children of all ages in nature. We hope the resources on this page will help you get your students outside and learning.
- For learning through the lens of trees and forests, check out Project Learning Tree which has a variety of activities and resources for pre-K through 12th grade. This includes forest literacy, activity guides, educator tips, downloadable activity collections, and professional development.
- Discover wildlife and habitats with Project WILD! This interdisciplinary conservation and environmental education program is geared for pre-K through 12th grade. They also offer self-paced educator professional development courses online.
- Project WET is a global environmental education program designed to teach people of all ages about water issues, including water quality, conservation, and management, through hands-on activities and curriculum materials, primarily aimed at K-12 educators and students.
- Interested in professional development? The Outdoor Learning Store is a charitable social enterprise offering excellent outdoor learning training, tools, resources, and equipment with 100% of the proceeds going back to supporting outdoor learning non-profit initiatives.
- Visit the Educators webpage from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to find several Alaska-specific resources from teacher kits to classroom activities, including the five-volume curricula series about Alaska’s wildlife and ecology, Alaska’s Wildlife Curriculum.
- For outdoor science resources for grades 3rd through 8th, check out BEETLES. Resources include student activity guides, videos, and additional instructor support materials that are both student-centered and nature-centered.
- Visit Alaska Department of Fish and Game to view the Alaska Wildlife Notebook Series ADFG
- Bring nature journaling to your classroom with the teacher resources from John Muir Laws. Download free curriculum, utilize their video series, and join their network through the Wild Wonders Educator Program.
- The Cornell Lab of Ornithology offers resources to teach about birds that will captivate learners for grades K-12. Find lesson plans and all-inclusive kits organized by grade level.
- Looking for lesson plans in Alaska’s National Parks? Check out the teacher portal from the National Park Service where you can search for lesson plans by subject, grade level, common core standards or keyword.
- The Forest Service Educator Toolbox is a useful collection of resources for individuals of all ages to learn about the environment and our nation’s forests and grasslands.
- Check out the Bureau of Land Management’s Teacher Resources to learn more about their Classroom Investigation Series, Project Archaeology, and how to become a Teacher on Public Lands during summer break.
- To download free coloring books, handouts, and activities, visit the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service collection of educational tools.
- Find an array of environmental and science-based lesson plans, activities, and ideas from EPA’s Educator Resources.
- Visit NOAA’s Education Resources to learn about the latest information about science or grant opportunities. You’ll also find resources for students and educators.
- For K-12 environmental education, check out the toolkits, infographics, and interactive online programs from NEEF. Be sure to visit their Activity Guides and Group Games webpage too.
- Looking for Climate Curriculum? Check out this great K-12 curriculum from the Climate Curriculum Project!
Alaska-specific!! The International Arctic Research Center (ICAR) has several education-related programs for students ranging in age from K-12 to college, as well as citizen-science programs for all ages.
2015 Connecting Scientists with Middle and High School Educators Live Webinars
“It’s All About Trees! Tree Physiology” 58 minutes. By Meg Burgett, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Alaska Recorded February 4, 2015, 4:00 pm
“Wildlife – Right Outside Your Door” 1 hour 3 minutes. By Sierra Rose Doherty, Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Recorded February 18, 2015, 4:00 pm
“Freshwater Aquatics” 1 hour 22 minutes. By Josh Ashline, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and Sabrina Larson, Alaska Pacific University Recorded March 4, 2015, 4:00 pm
“Life on the Edge: Marine Intertidal Ecology” 1 hour 22 minutes. By Beth Trowbridge, Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies Recorded March 18, 2015, 4:00 pm
“The Importance of Soil” 1 hour 20 minutes. By Mark Clark, Retired U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service. Recorded April 1, 2015, 4:00 pm