
ANROE has a YouTube Channel with a variety of other videos. Visit

2016 Fire Presentation Series

”Fire and Vegetation in a Changing Climate on the Kenai Peninsula: a 14,000-year Record”  57 minutes. Ed Berg held the Ecologist position for the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge for 17 years, prior to his retirement in 2010. He has been an adjunct instructor in Geology at the Kenai Peninsula College since 1983. He holds a PhD in Botany from the University of Georgia. June 17, 2016

“Rural Alaska Fire Prevention” 17 minute video, available from Department of Forestry, focuses on how to make your home in rural Alaska Firewise.

“Get Fired Up About Fire Careers” –  22 minutes. 5 Alaskan fire professionals share their career stories and what each does as a fire professional. Produced in 2016 by the Alaska Teen Media Institute for ANROE.

“Prescribed Fires in Alaska”  36 minutes. Eric Miller has worked in the area of fire ecology for 17 years, starting as a Fire Effects Monitor in Yellowstone National Park where he worked for eight years. He came to the Bureau of Land Management, Alaska Fire Service as a Fire Ecologist in 2008. His educational background is in botany and plant community ecology. June 22, 2016

“Tundra Fires in a Changing Climate” 46 minutes.  For the last 13 years Jennifer Barnes has worked as the Alaska Regional Fire Ecologist for the National Park Service and is located in Fairbanks, Alaska. She has a Masters degree in plant ecology from Utah State University. June 15, 2016

“Climate Change Implications for Wildfire in Alaska”  45 minutes. Randi Jandt is a Fire Ecologist for the Alaska Fire Science Consortium located in Fairbanks, Alaska. May 18, 2016

2016 Alaska Sea Grant Webinars

The Case of the Missing Sea Otter  1 hour 2 minutes. 2016 update to the science behind the “Alaska Seas and Watersheds” Grade 4 unit.

It Takes a Watershed to Grow a Salmon 1 hour 2 minutes. Overview of Alaska salmon life cycles, habitat needs, and human impacts.







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